Category NAO

The CCP Resistance Plan

As my life continues to be in extreme danger, I continue to avoid disclosing who I am. The reasons should be fairly obvious to anyone following the content of this website and knowing the enemy that we face, who in…


Without freedom, there is no growth. without growth, there is no evolution. How far have we come in 1,000 years? As it has been noted, the average person today lives better than a king in the middle-ages, when you factor…

The World We Live In

The evil forces of this world, led by too many parasites at the top, have worked over time to disrupt the lives of anyone opposing them. It has been a challenge to get on the site recently to get a…

LGBTQ + / ???

I stopped at Q, I have no idea how many more idiotic attachments this movement has reached by now. What brought this blog on? This image set I stumbled across on the internet. The attaching conversation was mostly summarized around…


International Monetary Fund. Those that create the money rule the world. Until the creation of money is in the hands of the people, the people are subjugated to the rulers of money. Thus begins our education today, understanding how the…

How to rig a Canadian election

Lots of talk on the legacy corporate owned media on how secure Canadian elections are. Call me skeptical, but just the fact the media is back lashing so hard just it makes it all the more suspicious. In terms of…

Gas Light Master

Simple, isn’t it? Is the global population being gaslighted by the “leaders” of the world. How many of the world’s current “leaders” are actually “leaders”? Putin is certainly a leader. Xi Jinpeng is a leader. Donald Trump is a leader.…


The ingenuity of the roman army was primarily grounded in three principals. Organization, equipment and dedication. Equipment is straight forward. Sword, shield, backpack, shovel. Organization, as illustrated above, was evolved to allow a legion to function at any scale. 8…

Never give up!

You all have been so amazing to get to this point. Never give up. It’s been a tough road to get here. It’ll be a tougher road to get clear. We will, together, all as one. All the governments wealth…

Dr. Catfish, I Presume

There’s something eerie going on on social media these days.  Perhaps not in the realms of true atrocity, like rampant child exploitation1 or the cringefest that is special interest “fact-checking,2” but something still that begs questioning: The rise of the…