You will own nothing and be happy!

Heard this term here and there on the “internet” in the “real world”. What does it mean? Third Reich also stepped up its propaganda against the disabled, regularly labeling them “life unworthy of life” or “useless eaters” Source Have fun…

We listen to the inventor of the PCR test used for COVID, and we break down some of the questions around the PCR test. In an obscure video resurfaced during the Coronavirus meltdown, Mullis said that “with PCR if you…

The goal of this article is to highlight the various “trees” that make the “forest” for a clear picture to emerge of a possible war scenario that was orchestrated by an alliance between the Chinese Communist Party, certain Muslim countries,…

What is god but what we see? Who is good, who is bad, and what does that even mean? It is easier to do evil in the name of good, than in the name of evil. Why are we here?…

As a wordsmith and someone with a deep understanding of the magic and power of words, I want to talk about something that doesn’t get enough attention in our daily lives, and that is how the media uses buzzwords to shape public opinion. The pen is mightier than the sword, and I’m going to explain how you can become more vigilant in a time when words are constantly being used as weapons against you. The invisible war is the war for your mind. Certain words and phrases hold more weight than others, because they evoke emotion. These are called “loaded words,” and every poet, politician, attorney, ad agency, media mogul, lyricist— everyone who successfully deals in words employs loaded language.

What is Q? The Roman Numeral Q is sometimes used to represent the number 500,000 From 1982, a song called the voice of Q You learn something new everyday when you dig through history (1:50)

Peaceful citizens of the Roman empire, the Quiritis are the life of civilization. They harvest the wheat, tend the fields, and maintain the cities. They go to war when called upon. They follow the edicts and laws of a citizen…

Imagination is more important than knowledge The truth is out there