Category Veducational

Maybe not as “Exciting” to some, though some enjoy the mental stimulation more than the movie stories.

The Voice of Q

What is Q? The Roman Numeral Q is sometimes used to represent the number 500,000 From 1982, a song called the voice of Q You learn something new everyday when you dig through history (1:50)

The Rainbow Connection

A classic and genius song and performance by Kermit the frog. Frogs are quickly becoming an endangered species around the world. Killed by pollution, poor planetary management, and fear, we are now seeing the attacks escalate on all frogs. Dangerous…

Some motivation

Stay inspired, stay strong. Future technologies will lead us into a changing world. We will all be tried and tested, likely in ways very few of us ever imagined. Forge in the present, with lessons learned from the past, to…