The CCP Takeover Plan

The goal of this article is to highlight the various “trees” that make the “forest” for a clear picture to emerge of a possible war scenario that was orchestrated by an alliance between the Chinese Communist Party, certain Muslim countries, and the leaders of Western countries (willingly or unwillingly).

The National Pulse has significant information on the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) infiltration of Western institutions, etc.

The CCP plan is broken down as follows –


Food & Resource shortages versus population. China is buying food. Putting plastic in food.

Over abundance of men. Partially land locked and surrounded in the water. No military means to strike out without suffering brutal retaliation. Thus, a non-traditional warfare approach is required. A plan is formed.


Create a new military methodology suited to the needs of your required victory.

Prime requisites are a method of seizing control of countries that involves victory & war without kinetic warfare.

Thus a plan is born. You execute the following plan:

  1. You infiltrate the enemy. Spy vs spy. You compromise governments, universities, corporations and politicians. You infiltrate the institutions of Western civilization, with various methods: Blackmail, bribes, business deals, sex, etc. You ally with countries who have suffered at the hands of your enemy, and want your enemy to keep buying their product (Crude Oil – Iran).
  2. Develop accurate bio-warfare capability for targeting and deployment. Use your social control methods to contain the virus, showing them as superior to your enemies methods. At the same time, you are actually eliminating dissidents, and COVID is just the movie to scare your enemy. Thus, Hong Kong is easily brought under control and taken over. Internal dissent is quashed.
  3. Spread the virus fear to North America using your control of the economic infrastructure, and North America’s dependence on Chinese manufacturing. Shut down the Western economies, allowing only businesses with ties to China to continue to operate at full or even extra capacity, such as Walmart, Amazon, and Costco – all open while small business is decimated. With control of every aspect of the North American system – manufacturing, media advertising, politicians, large corporations, blackmail leverage over key targets like Mark Zuckerberg, Mitch McConnell, and Jack Dorsey, who rely on Chinese bot farms to prop up their propaganda machines, you keep brainwashing the North American population.
  4. At the same time, you flood North America with immigrants and CCP agents, even as you promote LGBTQ propaganda. Something your own people find “deviant.” The Chinese people watch American TV and see “degenerate” North Americans that need “liberating.”
  5. You spread anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish content in every venue where the freedom-loving, peaceful, truthful people work against the CCP. You use the leftist media to brand them as white supremacists and racists. China runs a PSYOP operation from a city with 30 million Chinese spreading disinfo on Twitter, Facebook and other venues. Read more about chinese psyop warfare here.
  6. You use pharmaceutical companies to spread your social credit system. Corrupt Western leaders, entrapped by blackmail and their wealth and future, play along to preserve themselves. Communism allows Western leaders and corporations to maintain control of the freedom-loving slaves who are beginning to see through their lies and corruption. The tests are all tracked back to DNA and combined with cellphones and bio-metric data used to track people. Dissidents are easily removed. Organs can be harvested as needed when suitable DNA matches are available.
  7. You use climate change and over-population to justify your actions. As the existing oil/pharma/corporate system can not exceed current capacity, and the people-slaves are, as during the French Revolution, awakening and becoming a “problem,” your alliance with corrupt Western leaders, compromised and weak, becomes a stranglehold of control. Rather than allow for new technologies to emerge that allow for 50 Billion people to easily live harmoniously on Planet Earth, you decide to murder the peasants French Revolution style. Before they expose you for the crimes against humanity you have committed.
  8. After the whites are gone, you overrun the rest. you move troops in container ships, via airplanes, and flood countries with troops for total control. North America becomes a food farm and slave colony for China. Conquest of North America allows the CCP to seize control of the world.

Solution to the CCP food problem is obtained.

Food and water are the primary needs of survival. Canada has both in abundance. China has neither.

Once Canada falls to CCP troops, you have a foothold and port access to North America, and you can flood the United States with troops as well.

Your puppet Joe Biden along with his corrupt agencies disarms Americans, your biggest problem to complete North American control.


  1. No food, no water. Cant invade by military force. CCP infiltrates Western society instead. Flood it with LGBTQ propaganda through ownership of all media. Owning media is a key step to taking control of a country in a war.
  2. Start a flu pandemic. Sieze control of Hong Kong. Taiwan. Spread it to America. Use it to justify your social credit system and eventual bioweapon via vaccine deployment. Use greed to find minions willing to participate in your scam. Use it to harvest DNA.
  3. Take control of North America. Enslave or butcher everyone who is not Chinese. Laugh at the dumb North Americans that actually believed the bullshit you sold them.
  4. Total control of Planet Earth.

0.5% of the population is LGBTQ. Is media representative of this? Why does the CCP consider LGBTQ degenerate, but promote it in North America? How does a virus with a survival rate of 99.97% (including the 90% 70+ death group) justify a global vaccination campaign?

Why is George Soros, the man that sold his own people out to the Nazis, now funding the exact same sell-out of Western civilization? Is it possible he would willingly sell us out since he did so once before?

Remember, this is a high level PSYOP war. Products manufactured in China, like cellphones, allow for new spy capabilities. Windows 10 gives keystroke logging full control to Microsoft over user data. Thus, even without locality, spying can be conducted on you with the devices you use and can be used by hostile foreign powers to compromise and subvert people.

By taking control of the top levels of Western society, the CCP is able to further their agenda, while the lower rank followers like police go along thinking they are supporting their system, and protecting their jobs. Once enough chaos emerges in the Western world, the CCP can move troops in to “clean up” the chaos that degenerate Western society devolved into.

The CCP harvests organs from living humans without anesthetic to get the cleanest organs possible for transplant. They openly state their disdain for western stupidity and weakness, and their plans to conquer us with biological weapons and PSYOP warfare.

If the CCP does win this war and take control of North America, it is highly likely that any non-Asians will be at best dead, and at worst organ harvesting or slave resources. The treatment of the Uighur Muslims in China, the persecution of the Christians, and the butchery and brainwashing of the Tibetans are the mainstays of CCP actions in the past 20 years, and should all be considered. You can read more about this at The Epoch Times.

During war, women are subjected to rape, torture is common, and the Machiavellian methods of the CCP will be on full display if their North American takeover is successful. We urge readers to do serious research into these topics, understand the enemy, and begin to push back to clean up Western civilization before it is too late. All of the chaos and discord you see from BLM/Antifa are the methods of a Color Revolution, and for the CCP, the perfect useful idiots. Remember, there are no blacks in China. Africans have been terribly oppressed by the Chinese in Africa already. Racism is simply another useful tactic for the CCP to destroy the Western world, and together with Iran usher in a CCP/Muslim global dictatorship. Western leaders who think they can control the CCP are at best deluding themselves, and at worst the most dangerous traitors the world has seen in generations.

As a final counterpoint, and to provide perspective, we are sharing this article from the Canadian CBC – (webarchive link) a government media station in Canada. This station is financed by the government, and promotes the government’s agenda. In it, they smear the Epoch Times as misinformation over discovery of a “person of interest” article. The piece is apparently written by a white man, and highlights a young white woman. It defends the CCP, smears the Falun Gong, and illustrates the extent of the CCP PSYOP propaganda machine in Canada.

Let us examine this a little. We have 2 possibilities:

  1. The CBC article is truthful and honest. To believe this, we would need to accept that the Falun Gong, a peaceful, meditative movement, is in fact a dangerous “cult.” We would equally need to accept that the CCP conquest of Tibet that involved the butchery of the pacifistic Buddhists, the destruction of the their temples and culture, and the now total control and brainwashing of the children, are in fact “peaceful CCP liberations of dangerous Buddhist extremists.”
  2. The Epoch Times article is on to something. The CCP uses cellphones and data harvesting to track everyone. (We all know how they track everyone with social credit scores in China.) They can catch people having compromising conversations, doing drugs, cheating on wives, etc etc. They use this and financial “incentives” to lock down useful idiots who are afraid of being exposed.

It is a challenging time to live through. In our ongoing quest for the truth, we remind you to do your own research, remember history, and think very hard about current world events to form a comprehensive, intelligent decision of what all of us must do to work together for a positive future on Planet Earth.

We call for an end to the CCP and all oppressive ideologies. Free the Chinese.

Say no to racism in all forms.

Work and build the future together, as a united, free people. The freedom to live, express oneself, find truth and continue to grow and evolve are the foundational cornerstone of all life and must be preserved for us to step into a brighter, more positive future for all life.


CCP Subjugation of People:
Behind The Camps’ Gates: Rape And Sexual Violence Against Uyghur Women

Archived Link

China is harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners, expert panel finds
China’s atrocities in Tibet are growing too big to ignore
CCP World Domination Plans:
China’s Grand Plan To Take Over The World
China’s secret plan to topple the US as the world’s superpower
A distracted, divided U.S. is no match for China’s long-term plan for domination
Chinese Sociologist Dr. Li Yi: We Are Driving America To Its Death; COVID-19 Has Been Beneficial For China, North Korea (Video)
Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’(Video)
China-Canada Connection:
FATAH: China’s troops trained in Canada against which country?
Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole raises concerns about Canada–China relations – December 10, 2020 (Video)
Canada’s ties to China’s military underscore the weird contradictions in its foreign policy
In U.S. backyard: How China embedded itself in Canada
CCP Propaganda:
China promotes education drive to make [Chinese] boys more ‘manly’
Vatican extends secretive deal with China on appointing bishops
US bishops give $750K grant to group pushing homosexuality, LGBT propaganda
US Spending Report Sheds Light on China’s Global Propaganda Campaign

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The Biggest American Companies Now Owned by the Chinese
12 Chinese-Owned Media Companies, From Dick Clark Productions to AMC (Photos)
A Rundown Of Major U.S. Corporate Media’s Business Ties To China
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