COVID? Investigative Query. Part 1
COVID? An investigative report.
- Initial COVID outbreak and timing analysis – what the data tells us after one year
- The PCR Test
Part 1: Initial COVID outbreak and timing analysis
The COVID outbreak began in China around the fall of 2019. By the winter of 2019, it had reached North America.
By the spring of 2020, the governments of the world began moving in unison with 2 weeks to flatten the curve and stop the spread.
Now, one year later, we enter another global 30 day lock down and global citizens wondering what on earth is going on!
It is only natural as a concerned citizen to wonder if the COVID measures imposed by governments are actually warranted.
In the fall of 2019, the transition of Hong Kong from a democracy held by Britain to a CCP controlled vassal state became more evident. Dissidents who questioned the chinese COVID narrative in Wuhan where quickly dissappeared. Initial reports, spraying, and heavy measures by China across Hong Kong and China quickly ended the revolution in Hong Kong.
As global citizens looked on, the terror of a bioweapons spread around the world loomed large. Early “conspiracy theorists” wore masks, gloves, and prepped as January 2020 rolled over. They where often looked at oddly by their fellow citizens, and even laughed at, as they carefully used masks, gloves and proper procedure to protect themselves in N95 masks. The governments told them not to use valuable PP protective equipment, as it was needed by healthcare workers. Factories generated billions in revenue as an entire new industry emerged, masks, plexiglass barriers, face-shields and more. In March, 2019, the following quote “I can tell you the entire discussion we had centered around me causing hysteria by wearing a mask.”
from: Scientific American Webarchive
We have gone from hysteria over wearing a mask, to hysteria over not wearing one, and entire groups of national socialist (communist, or nazi in other words) people reporting their neighbors for “disobeying” COVID protocols in their hyper desire to conform to the “new normal”, while seemingly happy to disregard the constitutional, charter, and natural laws that govern the freedom of all life on earth. These facebook “Drones”, reinforced by propaganda machines in foreign countries, have taken the high school “cool club” to entirely new heights as they clamour for a vaccine so they can finally be safe, while ignoring the rights of anyone who dares to question our new “Corporate Science gods”. To real scientists, this is clearly evident of collective hyper-mania, that has escaped all bounds of logic and reason.
Pharmaceutical stocks also began to rise, an early indication of buy in from Wall Street and large players such as Bill Gates, in the know, to get ready for “the pump”
How have pharmaceutical stocks performed in the last 2 years? you can use presearch.org and do some digging. Who holds shares in pharmaceutical stocks? Pharma stocks have gained from 200-500{fce33269cd3893e6c0800abfb4e3a1bc8a7078d38e7cfec05645c473106eab46} easily.
Deaths from COVID over the period of September 2019 to March 2021.
After a year of data, we now have some very conclusive numbers to show the truth of the disease. At our estimates, data after January 2021 requires factorization for vaccination distribution, and the effects of vaccination on further COVID spread, as well as other mystery illness. Therefore, we cover
a) the spread of COVID until vaccination
b) the spread after vaccination
a) the spread of COVID until vaccination
This dashboard is a really cool tool for breaking down the COVID data.
This data comes from the WHO, so keep in mind that foreign influence, special interests, etc. may be distorting the data.
In addition we have concerns such as the “94{fce33269cd3893e6c0800abfb4e3a1bc8a7078d38e7cfec05645c473106eab46} of COVID cases in the USA contain 1-2 or more co-morbidities.”
Reuters fact checks this with the following article, or use this (web archive link) which among other things states that “without those two triggers,” a gunshot wound and COVID-19, “the death would not have occurred.
Suggesting that COVID is a gunshot wound comparable morbidity.
Things get more interesting if we ask another question. “what about past years, the flu, and co-morbidity?” Is the flu kinda like a gunshot when you have other at risk health factors?
Let’s see what Science Direct says. We archived the page….just incase those “Fact checkers” get any funny ideas. Original Link
A total of 342 adult patients with influenza infection were admitted, of which 83 developed severe influenza and 25 died during hospitalization. There were no differences between patients who survived and those who died concerning the CCI, but the age-adjusted CCI was higher in fatal cases (p-value = 0.005). Influenza vaccine had no statistically significant effect on the risk of mortality (p-value = 0.162) while age (OR: 1.12, p-value < 0.001) and dementia (OR: 3.05, p-value = 0.016) proved to be independent predictors for mortality. The seasonal vaccine was found to be protective for severe infection (OR: 0.54, p-value = 0.019). The age-adjusted CCI was a better predictor of mortality than the crude CCI.
Interesting. So in this case, age and dementia where the prime additional co-morbidity issue.
Does this sound familiar? All those nursing home deaths? AGE? COVID? I’ll just leave that there. Suffice to say that COVID kills people with other health issues just like the flu does. It may be slightly more dangerous. It may not. Denying people Oxygen and sunlight (critical vitamin D) is equally dangerous during endless lockdowns, and could easily cause the same short and long term health issues.
This line is fun too:
Influenza vaccine had no statistically significant effect on the risk of mortality

b) post vaccination spread and variants
Since January 2021, we live in the post vaccination world. Let’s see what the World Health Organization has to say about this. On March 25th, they posted extensively on the “infodemic”
COVID-19 outbreak and an "infodemic"
The COVID-19 outbreak and response has been accompanied by an ‘infodemic’ - an over-abundance of information, some accurate and some not – that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it.
With regard to specific vaccines, WHO has so far validated the Pfizer vaccine, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and two AstraZeneca vaccines (produced by SKBio in the Republic of Korea and Serum of Institute of India) for emergency use. These vaccines were found to be safe and effective. WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) has also found these vaccines to be safe and effective and made recommendations on their use. Other vaccines have been assessed by Stringent Regulatory Authorities (SRAs) and authorised for emergency use.
We encourage everyone to look carefully at the sources they get their information from, and only follow trusted sources.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, WHO has been monitoring global conversations on COVID-19 to detect signals of growing interest and public engagement.
WHO’s Information Network for Epidemics, EPI-WIN, seeks to give everyone access to advice and information on the COVID-19 pandemic that is based on science and evidence, timely, accurate, and easy to understand.
In addition, WHO partnered with multiple tech companies, including Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Messenger, Pinterest, SnapChat, TikTok, Tencent (equivalent of WeChat in China), Viber, WhatsApp, YouTube and more, to detect and limit the spread of misinformation and help audiences access trusted information.
Our partnerships with Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others have helped to counter misinformation about the pandemic and brought reliable information to over 2.2 billion people in more than 75 languages.
Since the WHO is in large part funded by the corporate god Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party, who is happy to help the world rapidly develop vaccine passports, while at the same time funding organizations like Major League Baseball who state that Voter ID laws are racist! This type of “double speak” is a well known tactic of dictators and communists/fascists designed to confuse the population into fear and submission.
Similar tactics are used by abusive spouses, bullies, and other criminals, such as Nero, or Caligula, Tito, or Stalin.
Yet, I digress. How is the vaccination thing GOING? Since the holy grail of “pharma science” – not “real science” (a vital difference worthy of another article – for now I suggest you “follow the money”)
After a whole year of masks, social distancing, and now vaccinations! Things are surely improving?
Wait..no. Are they? Let’s look at the data! Why are entire countries locking down again?
Most stats are cumulative (keeps it looking scarier everyday!) so with some basic deduction…
By January 1st, 2021, we had 1,827,765 dead from COVID globally. By April, we had 2,851,680. Across a 4 month span in 2021, an additional 1 million people have died from COVID & “Variants”. This seems to put us on a path to 3 million more dead by the end of 2021. An increase of 1 million dead. How is this possible if the vaccine is working? If the masks and social distancing are working? Why is the vaccine still being deployed? Is the virus spreading worse with the majority of people now wearing masks?
Is it possible Vitamin D, Magnesium, sunlight, fresh air, all things that cured the spanish flu, are in fact necessary to be healthy?
Let’s take a look at some localized data. From https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data
7,500 deaths in 1.25 years. About 1,000 dead under the age of 70. This is for the province of Ontario, in Canada. Yesterday, 8 people died. Maybe 17, once “reporting” catches up.
Suffice to say that Ontario’s economy is being obliterated, and the ability to socialize, talk to each other, and find answers to the challenges before us as a global civilization are all heavily suppressed while COVID fear and vaccine mania dominates the legacy media outlets and institutions.
In 1.25 years, 7,500 people died from COVID, the flu was eliminated, and big pharma saw a golden ticket pump and dump and an infinite money train of injections raining down on their heads, all paid for by the taxpayer at the behest of the government.
Funny thing is, Canada is doing badly at vaccinating the population. Here, COVID is declining. Yet governments remain in a full panic which seems to intensify on a daily basis. Why is this? Is it possible the COVID event was in fact planned by the globalists and elites as a sort of depopulation / stop the peasant revolt event?
Something smells funny, and no amount of lying with statistics is convoluted enough to make this go away. Are globalists hoping the vaccines themselves will unleash the next wave of infection? If so, why are they locking citizens down harder? Or are they worried they need to contain the vaccine bio-weapon now with lock downs, and try and cover their mistakes up and save their jobs and minimize the spread of the vaccines viral shedding payload?
Why are these questions not being asked by any of the legacy media business/journalism, etc?
Seems like questioning much of anything is a big taboo these days.

As you can see from this 2017 chart, Respiratory and lower-respiratory disease account for 9.06{fce33269cd3893e6c0800abfb4e3a1bc8a7078d38e7cfec05645c473106eab46} of annual deaths by cause, world-wide. COVID is a respiratory disease.
All in all, we hope this article gives you some food for thought.
Stay tuned for part 2, the PCR test!