Gas Light Master
Gaslighting is an increasing frequency of systematically withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information to, victims - having the gradual effect of making them anxious, confused, and less able to trust their own memory and perception.
An elaborate and insidious technique of deception and psychological manipulation, practiced by a government, or “gaslighter,” on a group of victims over an extended period. Its effect is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in their own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from appearance, thereby rendering them pathologically dependent on the gaslighter in their thinking or feelings.
As part of the process, the victim’s self-esteem is severely damaged, and they becomes additionally dependent on the gaslighter for emotional support and validation. In some cases the intended (and achieved) result is to rob the victims of their sanity.
Simple, isn’t it? Is the global population being gaslighted by the “leaders” of the world. How many of the world’s current “leaders” are actually “leaders”? Putin is certainly a leader. Xi Jinpeng is a leader. Donald Trump is a leader. How many more of the worlds leaders can you think of that can achieve such strong bonds with their people? Being a good or bad person doesn’t make you a good or bad leader. Xi Jinpeng rules by pure power, might makes right, and tanks roll over anyone who doesn’t like it. Yet, he is a strong, if ruthless leader. Donald Trump rules by love, as one can see, regardless of your opinion of the man, no one else can pull such freely willing crowds to a rally. Putin rules by quality and respect, and a little love and ruthlessness in the mix. A measured man regardless of your opinion, and likely one of the greatest nation state leaders the world has ever seen in terms of his pure ability to understand how to run a country, influence a population, and project power.
Put your emotions aside. Gaslighting relies on emotion and confusion to work. Which gets us to bad leaders. Do you see the pattern here? A nice easy, longer list that is again self-evident. Joe Biden is a horrible leader. How many men would follow such a doddering old man…anywhere? Has america ever had such an incompetent, mentally absent leader? Macron, vilified in France, losing military deals for tens of Billions to America for submarines and fighter jets. Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden 2.0, a man who can not produce but a handful of voters at any rally, yet somehow wins a third term after years of incompetence, infinite money printing, bioweapons given to the CCP, massive coverups of the WE charity scandal, missing schools and children, SNC Lavelin scandal, etc. How do these men rule their countries?
With fear and by decree. They steal elections, because people do not want to vote for them, and then they implement policies that benefit themselves, not their people. Is there evidence for this? Indeed, overwhelming evidence. Joe Biden and his friends, since January 20th, have stolen over $4 Trillion from the US treasury system. Undoubtedly, huge amounts of this money will flow through pocket after pocket and disappear. Such a vast amount would seem to be enough to fix schools, roads, police, so many things could be done if the money was in capable hands. After 48 years of politics, and no success, Joe Biden has shown nothing of benefit to the American people. Is he a good leader, worth following or voting for?
Justin Trudeau has many scandals behind him already. Rumors from Canada indicate a power crazed tyrant behind the curtains, that womanizes and worse, and has turned Canada over to the Chinese Communist Party in return for temporary amnesty for Canada before the CCP begins landing millions more agents to over run the country. With China’s one child policy lifted, one must ask the question, where will all those people live?
Macron is a major figurehead for what is often called the “cabal”. A reasonably suitable term. Macron gives you that warm fuzzy Marie Antoinette feeling, that Nancy Pelosi seems to actually be. Years of riots have plagued France, as Nostradamus predicted “it will start in France”, not one to flaunt prophecy, the coincidence in this case is worth considering.
As noted previously, before you go to war, you must know what you are fighting for.
All to often, in peace particularly, civilians have the luxury of not choosing “sides”. Yet as such grand events as we see in 2021 unfold, civilians become, as written here before, the citizen soldiers of their empires, and the bearers of the ultimate responsibility of how events will unfold in their countries and the shape the world will take.
You, the citizens of the world, are being gaslit by some of the most corrupt leaders the world has ever seen. Behind these men, are armies of corporations and ultra wealthy people, all using money to buy politicians and thus control people, and preserve their “power”. Is money power?
What is authority? Does winning an election give you authority? How many people reading this think Joe Biden has power and authority today? How many people think Justin Trudeau can muster any kind of “army” to fight for him? How many think Macron is anything but an elite, old money family child playing at being a man?
Canada is of course under dire threat from the CCP. With Trudeau allowing the CCP to station soldiers and equipment in Canada to protect their “investments”, and Canadians left in the dark, the citizens of Canada remain mostly ignorant of the scope of the problem.
With half the Canadian military and police at least opposed to Trudeau, he likely has a mere 25-50,000 goons at his disposal for the “dirty” work. Soon to be bolstered by bylaw “health enforcement officers”, a move reminiscent of 1933 Nazi Germany and the travel passport you needed at all times.
Thus it is logical to deduce that in Canada Chinese soldiers will be needed to enforce totalitarian control. Most Canadians are a kind, timid people, and as such Canadians lack the second amendment and history of freedom fighting Americans do. Will enough Canadians wake up in time?
With this in mind, and keeping in mind the CCP’s food supply chain problems, it is very likely that with Canada now secured, the CCP will make a move soon.
People think the Nazis fought for power. Or world domination. I think the nazis fought for their supremacy. Being better than everyone else. Smarter, more organized, more technologically advanced. Arbeit macht Frei.
These are the same sentiments being pushed forward from the CCP now. A superior race of highly educated chinese people, with a vast oversupply of fighting aged men with no brides. As history will remind us, and nature dictates, these men require mates and land and opportunity. By turning North America into an afghanistan style battlefield, using bioweapons delivered via vaccine to citizens arms, and immigrating vast numbers of CCP agents, the stage is set for the conquest of North America.
Western civilization was driven to this point by the traditional civilization pitfalls. Yet for all of this, the citizens of North America have a strength the CCP can never have – the fighting spirit of free men and women who know that if freedom is not upheld, life is doomed to die at the hands of an arrogant few who would dare stop life from thriving, evolving, becoming more than what it was. Ultimately, the CCP and their ideaology is doomed.
The question becomes, what can we as citizens of planet earth do to transform this entire experience from the crazy nightmare it is to the amazing dream it could be?
Here are some ideas on what you can do to preserve your freedoms, and begin to resolve the challenges before you.
Expose voter fraud, and implement new systems that secure voter integrity and validity.
Come together to protect each other from the government. Monitor everything the government and their agents do, record it, and put it out there for citizens to see.
Build new systems and economies that benefit the people.
Real leaders lead by example. Who will the people follow?