How to rig a Canadian election
Lots of talk on the legacy corporate owned media on how secure Canadian elections are. Call me skeptical, but just the fact the media is back lashing so hard just it makes it all the more suspicious. In terms of onsite voting, Canada’s elections seem quite secure. I found a great breakdown on this Freecanada.win thread that you should take the time to read. Synopsis breakouts from the scrutineers comments. Note he claims Trudeau won legitimately at the end, in itself a red flag post perhaps designed to drown out any calls to a deeper dive into elections Canada operations.
Just to be clear here – we are not saying there was fraud in the canadian election, what we are doing is analyzing the process, looking at other aspects, and trying to give the reader pause for thought in the quest for discernment and truth that we must all make as we cut through the endless information we are bombarded with across this age of reality.
- If ballots are only counted after all the ballots are in and the polls close, how are results coming in before the polls close? In this example, the writer claims around 500 people polled at his station that serviced about 1000 eligible voters. He then says “when the poll station closes, the doors are closed” Counting again is validated by multiple people per ballot. at 500 ballots, one would guess a time of about 30 seconds per ballot to verify a vote. This puts us around 250 minutes, or 4 hours to count 500 ballots and verify them. So, about 4 hours from 5pm. When was the election called again?
- He states that mail in voting is rare in Canada. How much of the vote this year was mailed in? How where those voters verified? Is everyone on the voter rolls a living voter? How many voters died from COVID or other complications in the past year? Did any of them vote? Is there a way to see the mail in % vs the in person % of the vote?
- Exclusions – we know the PPC was not an option at many stations. How many stations? How many votes did this cost the PPC? How many votes did the PPC lose by being excluded from the legacy media organizations and debate?
- How many people that did not vote voted?
Further election results are posted here https://enr.elections.ca/National.aspx?lang=e
Things get even wierder when you pull up an election map

This map gives a great overview of how people voted. Despite this overwelmingly blue map (even bluer if you combine the Bloc and the Conservatives) A liberal government has a majority of the seats. These seats seem to primarily come from the Ontario region.
Canada, a country divided. The majority of the land mass is controlled by the Conservatives.
Did the PPC cost the conservatives a few ridings? marginally. Who cost the conservatives a majority? The Bloc quebecois, a party concerned only with Quebec. Infact, the Bloc got more votes just in Quebec than the PPC got across the entire country.
5,220,159 Votes for the liberals
5,468,723 votes for the conservatives
1,258,565 votes for the Bloc
819,601 votes for the PPC
2,860,227 votes for the NDP
This leads to some other interesting questions. If the conservatives got more votes than the liberals, is Canadian democracy functioning as intended when the liberals bag an extra 30 seats? The regions that vote liberal also happen to contain the most multifamily dwellings, like Toronto where up to 10 or more people might live in a home. What about voters who didnt receive registration cards? or the 11 million who did not vote? 16,152,813 of 27,366,297 registered electors (59.02 %)
Shortly before the election, we heard that it may take a week to count the votes & mail in ballots. This quickly shifted to a result that came in before polls even closed (if we reread the dudes advice above, how is any result pre-poll closure even possible?) Is this from the 38% that voted by mail in before the election? If they didnt vote at polling stations, where they counted beforehand in the same scrutinized process?
In this age of mass information and a psyop war being waged against us by foreign powers and corrupt media and corporations everything must be questioned and examined to find truth. It is all to easy to pull up a CBC government funded article reminding you how secure elections are, or a CTV funded story backed by their advertisers, who all benefit from the ongoing pharma narrative of endless vaccinations for endless profit.
It is equally easy to get swept up in the American election fraud disaster, and forget that maybe Canadians do things better.
From this first overview of the Canadian election, it is readily apparent that the liberals are not a voice for Canada, but a vote for Toronto, and that Toronto is probably the easiest place to conduct mass voter fraud.
In Canada, population and riding design trump a balanced democracy. When you combine this with 6 parties fighting over the vote, you get some funky results!
Most obvious is that it seems that in order to remove the liberals from power, the conservatives need an additional million votes over the liberals. These votes could come from the Bloc in Quebec. From the PPC across the country. From the NDP. Yet Otoole chose to pander to liberal voters over PPC voters, and instead of blaming is own leadership failures and inability to perform, the PPC is blamed. Maybe if Otoole had any gumption to stand up to big pharma like Bernier did, the conservatives could have won. Strange though, the CPC got 200,000 votes more than the liberals and still lost, which in and of itself is troubling.
The green party is a Toronto thing, so again funny how they pull more than the PPC in ridings.
One final thing to consider. Voter fraud is likely heavily centered on the voter roles themselves, and the eligibility of those voters. Is everyone with a registration card, or without, and with ID, eligible to vote?
Some things to chew on. All in all, it looks like Canada’s leadership runs a fun game of politics where the prime 4 parties work in sync to preserve their power and live the cushy life at the expense of the citizens they claim to represent, and ridings are broken down so badly that Canada may as well be split into two countries at this point, with the conservative west, and the liberal ontario. If the Bloc ever leaves with Quebec it’ll be Toronto versus the rest of Canada, or so it seems.
Good luck Canadians! Looks like you are going to need it.
Analysis by Rally attendance. A very interesting thing happens if you search Justin Trudeau rally 2021. Seemingly not a single picture of Trudeau with supporters is findable! Where are this mans voters? not one of this mans voters came out to support him? How is this possible? The only images seem to be of Trudeau being heckled.
Meanwhile, searching PPC rallies you get tons of medium and huge crowds.
Searching Otoole rallies gets you a circle of 5-25 boomers, some normal crowds, and some anti otoole signs too.
This raises questions on where exactly Trudeaus voters are. Exactly like Joe Biden and his missing voters, that do not use the internet, watch him on youtube, or ever went to his “rallies”
This entire operation is hopefully becoming evident to many of you as the massive gaslighting operation it is. It is really important that you give logical thought to this, and start thinking on how best to navigate the world to a future that allows for personal liberty and medical choice that is based in reason and actual science, without having the motivations of foreign countries and hostile powers and money grubbing pathetic old men and their offspring pulling the puppet strings so they can cling onto the shit system they built.
A better world is in front of us, and each of these events is a precursor to the collapse of the old way of doing things. Our challenge is to navigate these waters and prevent a hostile takeover of our civilization by a foreign power who’s long term goal includes the elimination of everyone else.
The Canadian election has shown a strong 4-8 million base of Canadians who are sick and tired of the endless lies the television and legacy media pumps out, and frankly, find these lies to be tiresome. No one really cared until the TV owners decided to survive they had to shoot everyone with a vaccine.
The street tells a different story than the TV and the internet. Everyone’s street is different. A lot of people have been brainwashed by the covidiancult. If indeed the election numbers for Canada are even reasonably accurate, and with Otoole and Trudeau bedding each other so happily, and Singh always there for a shoulder to cry on, the wealth of each of those politicians hinges on their ongoing existence within the political structure and the income it provides.
These are dangerous times for Canada, as for many countries, as wealthy and powerful people are on the verge of losing everything once their corruption is exposed. It therefore is logical to conclude that a conspiracy to preserve that power structure would exist.
If the people ever figured that out, who knows what would happen. If it was proven beyond a doubt, well, isn’t that the old chinese proverb?
“May you live in interesting times”