
The ingenuity of the roman army was primarily grounded in three principals. Organization, equipment and dedication.
Equipment is straight forward. Sword, shield, backpack, shovel.

Organization, as illustrated above, was evolved to allow a legion to function at any scale. 8 core soldiers compromise the functional real battle unit. As any soldier knows, the army may be large, but the battles are personal. Seven men at your side that you connect with are the crew that keep you alive. The nine. Only a fool thinks the mule is the least important part of the unit.
As growth naturally determines scale, a cohesive large army can be well organized and manipulated from the 8 core men to a 10 cohort legion of 4,500 men. Able to engage the enemy in survivor packs of 8, up into armies of tens of thousands, all bound by organization to work together regardless of the circumstance, even if separated from the main body. 8 turtled legionaries protecting their mule is a formidable allegory for survival. Every soldier knows the value of food and the supply chain that makes the military work in the day by day grind. Real combat is but the everlasting blink of an eye in the life of a soldier. Training, discipline, steadfastness and courage are the true hallmarks of an effective soldier.
What can we learn, today, from how the roman legions organized themselves over 2,000 years ago, with their simple technology compared to today? Are such organization principles of value today? Could they be applied to empower great victories once more?
This leads us to the next point.

What is dedication? Belief, drive, motivation? Was the roman army effective because of it’s organization, or because of the dedication of its soldiers? You might say a combination of both, and I would remind you that without dedication, there is no value to organizing an army. Why organize without a purpose to full fill?
If you want to start a war, you had better know what you are fighting for.
Here we have the core of the failure of the globalist elite to succeed in their plan. How long will people believe and fight for a system that is killing and betraying them?
How long before people snap and turn on the system?
How many soldiers will fight for a global pharma fascist police state run by corrupt leaders who place no value on their own citizens lives? Who betray the citizens to a foreign power to protect themselves? How many soldiers will remain committed to such a cause over years? With money and obedience and death by endless jabs as their only salvation?
How many will turn on the system? How many will fight the system? How dedicated will the army of free thinking soldiers become as their understanding of the enemy and what they are fighting for grows?
What are the unvaccinated fighting for? The right to choose. The right to remain part of the control group. The right to present data and evidence that shows vaccines are actually killing people! To have accountability from their leaders.
Why does the enemy fear an unvaccinated control group so much? Why are they so insistent everyone get the vaccine suddenly?
These are your choices. Pro freedom, distributed, logical, growing, living world, or pro CCP style pharma fascist corporate run and billionaire controlled governments.
Roman soldiers fought for their country, their empire, because their empire fought for their rights.
When the empires leaders stopped taking care of its soldiers, it collapsed. When it’s citizens are its soldiers, they take care of each other.
This is the crucible western civilization faces today.
Will you rebuild the temple, or watch it fall to foreign enemies and domestic treason?
You have all the tools for victory.
Take it.