
Without freedom, there is no growth. without growth, there is no evolution. How far have we come in 1,000 years? As it has been noted, the average person today lives better than a king in the middle-ages, when you factor healthcare, entertainment, sanitation and so on. No doubt, we have come a long way.

Yet we have for a very long time in the 20th century, and now the early 21st century, struggled under the rule of oligarch parasites who’s hyperinflated ego’s through generations of wealth have given them the idea that they know what is best for society. Leveraging their control of media and connections through the power systems they have built, they shape the future of humanity as they would see it occur, to the detriment of all humanity.

They do so to maintain their power, wealth and control. What would you do to stop your empire and everything your family built for generations from vanishing in a puff of evolutionary smoke?

These parasites have everything they want. They lie, steal, and do whatever they so please, serial killers who get away with murder, emboldened by their ongoing success at getting away with it all.

The scam of the covidiancult is the latest genocide of theirs, and the success of the program for the last two years plus the lack of repercussions has again emboldened the parasitic lunatics who dare shape the world in their image and vision. The sheep continue to lemming along, obedient to their vaccine induced mycarditis last breath, gasping for air as they wilt away.

Obviously this operation was critically necessary to the awakening of a mass of humanity that their governments no longer serve them, but instead enslave them.

We have now begun to reach the tipping point. Too many humans have awakened to the slavery system they have been entrapped in for thousands of years, and come to see that the system itself must be reformed from the ground up and reshaped with the knowledge, wisdom and technology of today.

What shape will this system take? No one human can determine that. Only our collective consciousnesses can begin to determine the future we will create.

The future we create is one that you must be able to imagine. To imagine a future where we are all free from the shackles of war, abuse, terror, and misunderstanding, you must first come to learn the truth of how the universe works, why you are here, and why the cabal has pulled the wool over your eyes for so long, knowing full well that when you understand, and when you are willing to use that knowledge to uplift your fellow lifeforms rather than oppress them, shedding your own desires for wealth, power and fulfillment that such knowledge makes possible, only then can you truly stand with us to liberate life on earth and take your place among us to create a boundless future for all humanity and life itself.

We are yet at war with great and vast forces of darkness that always fight us to hold back the future that will be. Light always wins, it is always so, it is why we are here, and can see reality as it is.

Thus, today, with this blog, begins the turning point of New Age Order. Today, we announce that we stand against the forces of evil that desire to propagate the New World Order, and that we know that those forces must be stopped before dooming us all to eternal darkness.

From this point forward, the revelations of enlightenment and the tools of war for the warriors of light will grace these pages, and we will strive to bring more clarity to the past enlightenment we have shared, and ask that you keep an open mind, and decide for yourselves the path you will take with the knowledge that you gain here.

We hope that you will see fit to use what you learn here to grow the power of energy, light and life and help humanity to vaporize the shackles of slavery and embrace the truth of freedom; so that together we may all elevate each other into the golden future that is promised for all humanity, for all existence, the eternal joy of creation, love, growth, harmony and justice that is the true path of god.

We are what we must be. All things are as they must be. All things that now come to pass must be.

This is the journey of life.