Never give up!

You all have been so amazing to get to this point. Never give up.

It’s been a tough road to get here. It’ll be a tougher road to get clear.

We will, together, all as one.

All the governments wealth comes from the people. All the governments authority comes from the people. YOU are the world.

When leaders give your orders detrimental to your survival, what do you do?

It is time for civilians to step up to the plate even more. Everywhere. Show the military and government what you want. Make it impossible to ignore you. Demand they serve you.

Stand up for the soldiers standing up for you right now. Every soldier worried about taking a CCP clotshot has a right to be concerned, and every citizen has a right to due process under true science and law.

The fact our leadership is endangering our soldiers and citizens lives with known dangerous vaccines is a red flag that can no longer be ignored. It threatens all of western civilization, and leaves the door wide open for the CCP.

There is 400 million people on North American soil.

We all want freedom.

Take it back. Remind our leaders what happens when you fuck with a free people.

Veni Vedi Vici

It is time.