
You are free, powerful individuals, working together in a collective through time and space to create the future with your actions in the present.

Now that we are about 4 years into the final 8 phase of World War 3, a significant awakening has begun to occur. Thus we introduce another thought experiment for your enjoyment!

Problem, Reaction, Solution.


Let’s work from the future backwards.

Passports > Invented thousands of years ago, the first passports where given to slaves (as everyone was a slave, just like today) and this gave the slave the right to travel from their kingdom and owner. Even today, you will not travel without a passport to change countries. Now, elites want to create vaccine passports. These same elites tell us what is good for humanity, and what is not. Sadly, their perspective is warped by their significant financial reserves which give them a lot of power over money whores, and a sense of “Rightness” in their actions. This is actually a mental disorder that effects a large number of the wealthy elite class, and the psychopathy intensifies as that wealth transfers through the generations. The elites right to kill you, is the god complex of kings humanity and life has suffered under for far too long.

This often leads to perversions, which we can see by examining history. Caligula, a roman emperor, was one such perversion loving individual.

Might makes right, and all they ever need is people willing to do anything for money. The more oppressed the slave population is, the easier it is to get them to do anything for money. Find a desperate man, and dangle the carrot of coin before his face, and then you will know the true nature of that man.

Thus, men of wealth and power become as gods. Eventually, they decide they are gods. Their system works quite well, after all.

Vaccine passports bring Nazi style experimentation coupled with knowledge of DNA and blood type together into a stunning, complete identification of an individual. A profile of each human, of all DNA, indeed, all life.

This giant data bank, accessible by those who run it, now is coupled to another data bank that tracks every move that human makes. Ever action. (Except the ultra-elite on their private island – rules for thee, but not for me!)

This is then coupled to a financial system that is created and controlled by the elite.

“He who prints the money rules the world”

Therefore it is logical to conclude that with the elite having such intimate knowledge of each slaves activities, they can use the profiles for many “things”, like;

We could have knowledge of the compatibility of organs, blood and body parts between people in the population. So, if a leader needs a new liver, and a citizen is compatible, could such a system be used to “disappear” such a person under the guise of “COVID”?

Indeed, this is exactly what we witnessed in China, where dissidents where hauled off under the guise of COVID.

COVID is an acronym for the truth movement, and every time people talk about the crimes of the elite, such as the recent banana republic election chicanery in the United States, the lies surrounding the PCR test that the inventor himself exposed, or the cover-up of the vaccine dangers as big pharma pushes for ever more infinite profits, the list is frankly endless as it applies to the worlds current leaders and mass corruption – the lying and censorship machine intensifies its assault as they naturally do everything to survive.

Our leaders, of course, argue that they are good people, with only the best of intentions for us, such as stopping climate change while glossing over the fact that in reality they are covering up their massive crimes against humanity and using COVID as the excuse to do so, as they hastily attempt to implement the CCP population control model world wide before the slaves awaken to truth.

Sadly, massive mathematical data proves that our elite leaders are in fact scum sucking perverts who have only one interest; ever more money, power and pleasure. They are gods, cause they have, made, earned, inherited, and stolen massive fortunes and power for generations. They have decided they are better than the slaves/people around them. They decide what is best for the world, because they are smarter! Indeed, it is their god given right is it not?

Life desires to see life to continue to grow. More humans. More bountiful ways of existence to be implemented. An evolution of the mind, body and thus the combined temple and soul to occur.

Our collective actions to steering spaceship earth to a collective positive future will determine the future timeline for all life on earth.

Is it wise to leave that future fate in the hands of old men, with old ideas, who continue to cling on to the idea that “nothing ever really changes?”

The only passport you need is your existence.

The cycle you are living now has occurred for as long as life can remember. World War 1 and 2 are short term examples. The french revolution, the magna carta, 1776, are others. In every age this battle rages. It is what must be, and you all now decide the future we will come to see.

Think hard on what that means. Until you succeed, you are doomed to experience it. This is the nature of evolution.