
Peaceful citizens of the Roman empire, the Quiritis are the life of civilization. They harvest the wheat, tend the fields, and maintain the cities. They go to war when called upon. They follow the edicts and laws of a citizen of Rome.

The word itself stems from quirīs, in the original form. Latin is the foundational language of western civilization. This word is very similar to the word “query”, or to be curious, to question things, to seek truth, and answers, and justice.

1: to ask questions of especially with a desire for authoritative information
2: to ask questions about especially in order to resolve a doubt
3: to put as a question
4: to mark with a query


Being the singular of the Quiritis

Is anything more human than to question everything to find the truth and then, decide from that point forward, the actions that must be taken to move forward as a free life-form, putting a swift end to the lies, deception and fear that some would use to end the ability of a Quiris to inquire about the truth of existence, life, god, why we are here, and how and where we go from here?

Or have some of the Quiris decided they have the answer, and that answer rests in the miracle of mass global vaccinations, control of the world in the hands of a few elite, who simply know best because they are best at controlling money and giving it to their partners in crime.

Two paths are before us.

One leads to a Great Awakening

Zero leads to unfettered power for a select few people

Each of you must choose which path you will walk on.

Whatever happens, the life force is watching, and it created you.

Do you think you where created to destroy yourselves?

Or did life create you so you would create more life?

The fork in the road is here.

Creation, or destruction.

Inquire, Quirites