Useless Eaters
Heard this term here and there on the “internet” in the “real world”. What does it mean?
Third Reich also stepped up its propaganda against the disabled, regularly labeling them “life unworthy of life” or “useless eaters” Source
Have fun researching the various sources! Presearch.org “useless eaters”
Is a handicapped child worth less than a billionaire? How does this statement make you feel?
What does it make you think?
It is the way of nature, to cull the herd and kill the weak.
With a huge population earth’s resources have been put under significant strain. This is not the fault of the large population. The fault rests in poor management, bad system design, and significant corruption. Something omni-present for centuries, is now being exposed by the evolving nature of human technology, and the demands of 8 Billion humans for survival.
Thus it is only natural for highly intelligent, educated, “Smart” people to try and come up with solutions.
Yet when another challenge emerges, human nature takes over, the smart people become the dictators of right and wrong. The very system they created to manage the population became more important than the people, and now the system strives to survive with no more regard for the majority of people of the world.
Is this a good or a bad thing? Are we doomed to build the machines that enslave us, as the inhabitants of the matrix did?
When did humanity lose control of their destiny? When did it become about technology without regard for morality? When did advancement trump forethought? Is it wise to build robots that will replace life one day? What will life do when placed under such evolutionary pressure?
Money moves mountains in the 21st century.
“He who prints the money rules the world”
It is then supremely logical to realize that until the people democratically and freely print and rule the worlds money, and have it equally accepted, those that do print the worlds money will always rule the world, for better or for worse. Humanities acceptance of these systems is what allows them to continue to operate. Those in control of the money printing presses produce the money they need to buy what they want, on demand. Fast food instant gratification money if you will. Easy to buy whatever you want when you have your hand on the money printing presses.
What is the solution?
The planet has about 7.9 Billion useful eaters trapped in a horrible system that pollutes everything, blows everything up, experiments on everything with every kind of drug, needle and procedure you can dream of, enslaves entire races, harvests organs, traffics humans, sells drugs and more!
The real useless eaters seem to be the 1 million idiots at the top who are more interested in private jets, big parties, ignoring COVID distancing and masking rules and quarantine camps, and taking stock in big corporations they are now letting buy the world.
Must be nice when you use a pandemic to make 4 Trillion dollars, and then use that money to buy up the world, so the people just become rental income slaves for the “owners”
Which really leads us to the concept of ownership. “you will own nothing and be happy”. Will this apply to every single human being on the planet? Will the Queen own nothing and be happy? Will Klaus Schwab own nothing and be happy?
The guise of equality being used by the owners of the majority of the worlds wealth and money today is being used to bamboozle good, innocent people into a system of control that maintains the status quo for yet one more generation.
As 2021 unfolds, the people of the world need ask themselves only one question.
Where will your collective actions take us from here? What will you choose to do with the knowledge you have?
You, the people, shape the world with your actions.
Love is the key to reality.