
When it rains, it pours. Water permeates everything. It seeps into the soil. It runs through tunnels under the earth. It flows down mountains, forms rivers, fills lakes. Water is everywhere. Inside everything. Outside everything. What is water?

Today’s water lesson, could be about many things. The Chinese say “Be like water”, or is that the Taiwanese? Maybe the Buddhists? Or was it Krishna? Or Christ? Mathematicians maybe too?

Be like water. Be like a tree. Bend, flow, grow. Stand your ground. Look around. What does water means to you?

Does it matter what anyone says? What they tell you?

Or does it matter what you see, when you look outside, at reality?

All life needs water. The contents of the water are our contents. We are the water.

When you think about what is in the water, you have to ask yourself, what is inside me?

Seems like a smart idea to make sure the water is formed and maintained to the highest standards, for health, and prosperity.